Category: Sin categoría

  • Open BIM VAILLANT. New manufacturer’s system

    This program integrated into the Open BIM workflow allows specialists to carry out the design, analysis and BIM modelling of VAILLANT air-conditioning systems in a 3D environment. More specifically, Open BIM VAILLANT makes it easy to automatically select aerothermal heat pumps, geothermal heat pumps and fan coils with the manufacturer’s technical characteristics and places them…

  • Open BIM SAUNIER DUVAL. New manufacturer’s system

    Technicians who want to carry out a design project for Saunier Duval’s radiant floor systems have the perfect tool with this program that allows them to do it in an Open BIM workflow, keeping errors to a minimum during the design phase. To do this, Open BIM SAUNIER DUVAL allows specialists to visualise system layouts…